Batman: Arkham Asylum

Oh yes I am counting the days til the release of this game, all the video I’ve seen on it so far is slick.  And I’m excited that I was able to pre-0rder the deluxe edition of the game, which comes with my very own Batarang.  Sweet.

Eidos has started posting video introductions to their villans for the game, the first being Bane.  Check it out at Topless Robot

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I was kinda a misanthrope before…but after watching this video…*shudder*

*UPDATE* The individuals featured in the video have been fired, and warrants have been issued for their arrest!

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Gah I Did it Again

I’ve neglected my blog…tisk tisk

Well I had a valid excuse for a bit…my laptop bit the dust…was sent to service and junked out..yay new laptop (thanks to a handy dandy service plan…for once those things paid off!) But boo to lack of internet access and the loss of some important data that I had neglected to back up.

But I am back! With a new found love for my xBox…Netflix…my Kindle 2 (which finally came yay!) and a love/hate relationship with my Blackberry Storm.

Quick update:

I’m currently playing Fallout 3 on my xBox

I’m currently reading The Zombie Survival Guide on my Kindle

I’m currently listening to Katy Perry’s ‘Waking Up in Vegas’

And I’m currently watching the made for DVD movie Dead Like Me: Life After Death which reminds me how sad I was to see this series cancelled it was one of the best shows on TV.  Perhaps good DVD sales could reboot the show?

On that note, rumors of the cancellation of Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse have been sweeping the internet, since Geek Goddess Felicia Day Twitter’d some sad news about her episode not being aired.  At this point Fox is denying these rumors, but instead of simply DVRing the show, watch it live so Dollhouse stands a chance at getting renewed for a second season! (note:  Tonight Echo portrays a dominatrix…so even if you haven’t seen the show but have a desire to see the lovely Eliza Dushku in leather and lace tune in and help us give the show a bit of a boost!)

Hopefully Dollhouse won’t suffer the same fate so many of my favorite shows have…Dead Like Me…New Amsterdam…Firefly…Moonlight…
I think it has tons of potential.

That said, I may live blog the episode tonight 😉

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Fun new gadgets!!!

I’ve been neglecting to blog, mostly because I’ve busy either playing with or getting ready for fun new gadgets 🙂

I won a free Blackberry Storm at work, so now I have 3 phones…go ahead make fun of me now, but I work for a cellphone company (can you guess which one lol)  and my service is free (WOOT!!!!).  So now I have a Blackberry Storm, a Blackberry Curve and an LG Dare.

I was a bit nervous about the Storm to start with, we had a few technical hiccups at launch, but after playing with it on my own for a few days I’ve decided that I really like it.  Its a lot faster than it was at launch (especially if you load the new Beta OS off and I like the touchscreen a lot better than I do on my Dare.  The screen resolution is fantastic, I love watching videos on it, and the browser looks great.  My only complaint with it at this point is the battery life.  I am a very, very, very avid user of my phones and my Curve has done really well at lasting a day or two with me being online constantly (surfing, downloading and twittering) and checking my email.  My Storm however maybe makes it a day.  So I’m hoping that I can get an extended battery soon.

I’m also anxiously preparing for the arrival of my Kindle.  For those of you that are not familiar with what a Kindle is, its an electoric wireless reading device from Amazon.  However, whats really cool about it is its ability to utilize the same wireless towers cellphones use to link up to Amazon’s marketplace wherever I am (no additional service fee required) so I can buy a book, magazine or newspaper whenever I desire.  I can also set up subscriptions to newspapers and magazines that will be delivered to my Kindle as they come out.  Its thin, lightweight and very portable and the literature is available for a very discounted price.  I recieved one for Christmas, but they are backordered….I should be recieving mine around the end of February 🙂

Until then I’ve been making a wish list of books to read/order and spending time on  a website for kindle owners, lovers and future owners to discuss all things Kindle.  They even have bookclubs 🙂

If you want more information on the Kindle check it out on

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Best of 2008 Lists

Ok, ok…I know that these lists are totally lame but, I get tired of reading other people’s lists and their opinions so I want to put my own out there.

Music….I love it.  I have really random taste so here are some of the artists I really enjoyed this year, in no particular order….

1.  Lady Gaga…I think she has a fantastic sound that really makes me want to get up and move.  I think that she’s going to be huge.

2.  Meg & Dia…they got me with ‘Monster’ and kept me after that, I can’t wait to see what they have to offer in the future

3.  The Spill Canvas…I can’t even completely express how much I love this band.  Their songs are so heartfelt and not to mention catchy.  They are just as good live as they are on their albums (which is something that doesn’t always hold true)

4.  Gavin Rossdale…I loved Bush, I loved Institute and now his solo project just blows my mind.  His voice is so raw and so passionate I can’t help falling in love with him just a little everytime he sings

5.  Katy Perry….a really fun artist, full of energy and talent, I love that she’s not afraid to be herself.

6.  New Years Day….I actually really got into them in 2007 when I saw them live for the first time, they are such a fun group, I’m really sad that their label went under and I wish them the best in the New Year.

7.  Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog….this was just musical genius.  Flawless casting, made for perfect performances and stellar writing made for great songs…if you haven’t checked it out yet its pretty much a must do….like NOW

8.  Tegan and Sara….my second sister duo on this list…Tegan and Sara rock, seriously

9.  Kings of Leon…they are phenomenal, I love driving around with the windows down blasting Kings of Leon 🙂

10.  Fall Out Boy….these fellow Chicagoans  rock, I love every album and “I Don’t Care” is a great song to blast after a bad day.

Television….again in no particular order

1.  Pushing Daisies

2.  Weeds

3.  True Blood

4.  Dexter

5.  The Tudors

7.  Mad Men

8.  Moonlight

9.  House

10.  Scrubs


Movies….again no order 🙂

1.  Wall-E

2.  The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

3.  The Dark Knight

4.  Iron Man

5.  Changeling

6.  Doubt

7.  Slumdog Millionaire

8.  Milk

9.  Rachel Getting Married

10.  The Wrestler

Best of the Web…no order

1.  Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog

2.  The Guild

3.  Twitter

4.  Woot

5.  Hulu

6.  Dark Horizons

7. Perez Hilton

8.  Word Press

9.  Friendfeed

10.  Crackberry


I would highly recommend checking out any of the above 🙂

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New Year, New Blog…Fresh Start

Hello Word Press…Hello 2009!  I decided that with the start of a new year that I should scrap my old blog that I rarely ever updated and start fresh.  New year, new blog…fresh start.

You’re probably looking at my blog title and asking yourself what the hell is wrong with this girl and what the hell is a geek freak?

A ‘Geek Freak’ according to Urban Dictionary is someone who is attracted to geeks, or people of a higher intelligence which I am.  Intelligence is something, above all else that I look for in a partner.

Today’s society focuses far too much on the physical and and far too little on the mental, which irks me to no end.  Intelligence is such a turn on.  I would much rather have someone who I can stay up with playing Scrabble than someone who looks sexy in a tux or next to nothing.  Give me someone who can tell me the meaning behind words and traditions, who fell so in love with the ideas and philosophies of a culture that they felt compelled to travel there and experience it first hand.

So yes, I am a Geek Freak.  And proud of it.

This blog will showcase my many passions and interests, nothing is off limits.  This year will be a year of change, a year to start putting myself first and act on my desires and dreams.  In the past I’ve put others before myself and look where its gotten me….I’m not done with college, I’m stuck in the same suburb I started in, and this will be the year I change that.  Most people make resolutions for the New Year, and resolutions are easily broken.  This year I am making commitments instead.

1.  This will be a healthier year…no more junk food and back to the gym…there is a bikini in my future.
Reward:  if I make this commitment I am taking myself on a vacation where I can strut my stuff in a bikini and soak up the sun

2.  Make the most of my brain
Reward:  if I can make school a REAL priority I will transfer to the school of my choice, wherever it may be…I’m old enough now to make my own choices about where I go to school

3.  Travel
Reward:  Travel is its own reward, I want to see the world and learn from different cultures and experiences.  I’d like to make at least one trip this year, hopefully out of the country.

4.  Find a literary agent so I can fufill my dream of getting published.
Reward:  The chance of living my dream of being a real writer.

5.  Love myself
Reward:  I’m a firm believer in the belief that you must love yourself before you can truly love another.  I think this is part of the reason most of my relationships fail.  I need to feel comfortable with who I am as a person.  I need to find people who love me for me and all my flaws and be able to speak my mind freely without fear of judgement.

I would say those are my big 5 commitments for this year.  Ambitious I know.  And I’m comfortable with the fact that I may not be able to finish these goals by the end of the year, but I hope to have at least made strides towards completion.

I’m never sure if anyone even reads these things, but if you do happen to stumble across this blog I hope that you’ll support these dreams and offer any words of advice that you see fit.  

Cheers and Happy New Year

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